Early Christianity
4 Hefte jährlich,
Mohr Siebeck, ab 2009, jährlich ca
520 Seiten
49,00 EUR  + Versand + Einbdanddecke |
Edited by Jörg Frey, Clare K.
Rothschild, Jens Schröter and Francis Watson
Managing Editor: Jens Schröter
The journal is concerned with early Christianity as a historical
phenomenon. Thereby, “Early Christianity” aims to overcome
certain limitations which have hindered the development of the
discipline, including the concept of the “New Testament” itself.
The journal, then, is taken to cover not only the first
Christian century but also the second.
This journal will not, however, give any special prominence to
reception-history or to the second century. The total phenomenon
called "early Christianity" comprises a kaleidoscopic range of
individual phenomena, including communal structures, social
norms, discursive practices, points of conflict, material
remains, and much else – far more than just the production and
reception of texts. This journal will strive to reflect this
multiplicity of contexts, in the expectation of new light on our
subject-matter from a variety of angles.
"Early Christianity" will appear four times a year. Each issue
will contain four (or five) articles, at least one of which will
be in German, together with sections devoted to new books, new
discoveries, and new projects. Every issue will be the primary
responsibility of each of the four co-editors in turn, every
alternate issue will be devoted to a specific theme. |